Statutory Information

This page provides information and/or links to information which we are required to publish by law.​ If you require a paper version of any of this any other information on this website please do not hesitate to contact us. This service is provided free of charge.

This school is a member of the Nova Education Trust. Please see below for Trading Disclosures.

School NameMelton Vale Sixth Form College
Postal addressBurton Road
Melton Mowbray
LE13 1DN
Telephone No.01664 504750
Enquiries contact nameMiss S Newark
Name of Head Teacher / PrincipalDr Nicki Dartnell
Name of SENDCoMs T Johnson
Admissions arrangements (Current Academic Year)The linked document contains our admissions arrangements for 2024-2025.
Admissions arrangements (Next Academic Year)The linked document contains our admissions arrangements for 2025-2026.
Admissions arrangements (Following Academic Year)The linked document contains our admissions arrangements for 2026-2027.
Suspensions and Exclusions Policy
Most recent OFSTED reportOverall effectiveness: Outstanding

Inspection date: 21 - 23 March 2023

DfE Performance tables

DfE Performance TablesPlease follow the link attached to DFE school performance information

Parents and other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum we offer by visiting our Curriculum page.

Music Development Plan


16-19 Qualifications on offer
How we meet the 16-19 study programme requirements MV16 offers a wide variety of A-Level courses, ranging from the traditional facilitating subjects to courses not normally available in secondary school. In addition we offer a small number Level 3 BTEC courses. We have over 30 courses on offer and the flexibility to combine almost any subjects. Choosing subjects to study post 16 is both exciting and demanding. We place great emphasis on pre-course guidance and the college is committed to ensuring that all students start on the course that is right for them.
Our curriculum is regularly reviewed to ensure it meets a range of progression pathways based on the individual aims and aspirations of students.
Our aspirations and expectations are extremely high which have led to a number of places Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities. We are proud of our partnerships with local and national HE institutions and employers who provide a range of pathways for students who wish to follow either an academic or degree apprenticeship pathway as part of their next phase of learning.
Support for learning and success extends far beyond the classroom. Built into the working week are opportunities for independent study and enrichment activities along with time to meet with a dedicated team of academic tutors. At MV16 students benefit from their own personal tutor who will monitor their progress, achievement and approach to learning on a regular basis offering one-to-one support.
The college prides itself on offering specialist A-Level teaching combining education with a wide and varied range of enrichment and curriculum opportunities that give you the very best education and preparation for further study at university or application for higher apprenticeships. The working day starts at 8.50 am and finishes at 3.30 pm Monday–Friday. However, most students make the use of the extended working hours with the college being open from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Students who haven't achieved either a grade 4-9 or a A* to C in GCSE maths and/or English (or an equivalent qualification) are required to continue studying an approved qualification in these subjects post-16. For the 2021-22 academic year we do not have any students on roll who fulfil this criteria.

Values and Ethos

Statement of Values and EthosOne of our greatest strengths is the positive ethos and culture that has been created at MV16 together with our outstanding facilities. Our ethos and approach to learning is frequently commented on by visitors to the college. At MV16 we believe that people make a college and the positive relationships between students and staff are highly reflective of this.
Our aim is to fully develop students’ skills, values and interests beyond the classroom, so they develop as articulate and confident young people. We provide an extensive extra-curricular programme with high levels of engagement from the majority of our students.
Nothing is more important than enriching young people’s lives and we pride ourselves at MV16 with the wide variety of opportunities we can offer our students in conjunction with their academic study.
We care deeply about our students and staff and expect everyone to work hard and be kind.
Behaviour Policy
Attendance Procedure
Uniform Standards
Safeguarding/Child protection
Anti-bullying policyThe aim of our anti-bullying policy is to clarify for students and staff that bullying is always unacceptable. We wish to encourage an environment where independence is celebrated and individuals can flourish without fear. Every student has the right to be safe and happy, and to be protected when feeling vulnerable.

Our anti-bullying policy is contained within our Behaviour Policy which can be downloaded via the link.
Health and Safety policy
First Aid Policy
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Complaints policy
Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints policyThis policy is contained within the Complaints policy.
SEND Policy
Freedom of Information Publication SchemeThe Trust Freedom of Information Publication Scheme available to download here.
Charging and Remissions Policy
Whistleblowing PolicyThe Trust Whistleblowing Policy is available to download here.
Online Safety Procedure
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy

Special Education Needs (SEND) Report

SEND report for the current academic yearMelton Vale Sixth Form College SEND report -see linked document

Accessibility Plan for Disabled Pupils

Accessibility ProcedureMelton Vale Sixth Form College Accessibility Plan - see linked document

Public Sector Equality Duty

Equality ObjectivesMV16 Equality Objectives for 2021-2024 are contained within the attached policy
We have adopted the Nova Education Trust's objectives.
School's Career LeaderNatasha Roberts
Careers Programme Summary
Careers Guidance and Access For Education and Training Providers Policy Statement
Data Protection PolicyThis document gives information about how the schools within the trust and the trust itself manages, processes and protects data.
Privacy Notice for Pupil DataWe use information that we gather in relation to our pupils for various purposes. Information that we hold in relation to a pupil is known as personal data. This will include data that we obtain from pupils directly and data which we obtain from other people and organisations. We might also need to continue to hold personal data for a period of time after pupils have left the school/trust. Anything that we do with this personal data is known as processing.

The school/trust is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses personal data and to meeting its data protection obligations.

Please see the attached document for full details.
Privacy Notice for Parent/Carer Data
Privacy Notice for Trust Workforce Data

School Governor Information

Names of Governors, terms of office, date of appointments and who appointed themNominating Authority First Appointed Term Start Term End
Co-opted governors
Olivia Gunn LGB 18 Nov 2024 18 Nov 2024 17 Nov 2028
Ed Parker LGB 27 Feb 2024 27 Feb 2024 26 Feb 2028
Hannah Saxton LGB 18 Nov 2024 18 Nov 2024 17 Nov 2028
Kevin Swindin LGB 22 Sep 2022 22 Sep 2022 21 Sep 2026

Dr Nicola Dartnell Co-Opted 16 Apr 2023 N/A N/A

Parent governors
Clare Miles LGB 25 Sep 2023 25 Sep 2023 24 Sep 2027
Victoria Simpson LGB 09 Jan 2024 09 Jan 2024 08 Jan 2028

Staff governors
Gina Sullivan LGB 18 Nov 2024 18 Nov 2024 17 Nov 2028
Structure and responsibilitiesPlease find attached the Governance Scheme of Delegation.
Link Governor for SafeguardingEd Parker
Link Governor for SENDOlivia Gunn
Link Governor for CareersVictoria Simpson
Link Governor for Governor DevelopmentEd Parker

Trust Governance Team

Names of Trustees, terms of office, date of appointments and who appointed themMargaret Monckton (Chair)
Adrian Stephenson (Vice Chair)

Lucy Burrow
Tony Glover
Steve Crawford
Stuart Howells
Jason Carter
Sayed Yasmin Hussain
James Ellis
Gavin Brown

Please follow the link to the Nova Education Trust website for further details.
Names of Members of the Academy TrustJonathan Sims
Nicola Morrison
Nichole Munro
Nicolle Ndiweni
Richard Flewitt
Chairs of Sub-CommitteesEducation Committee: Adrian Stephenson
People and Remuneration Committee: Lucy Burrow
Strategic, Finance & Operations Committee: Steve Crawford
Audit Committee: Jason Carter

Trust Governance Documents

Members, Trustees, Accounting Officer and Executives Pecuniary InterestsFurther information is provided on the Nova Education Trust website. Please follow the related link.
Governance structures
Board Diversity DataOur published report provides diversity data about the board and our local committees.
Trust annual audited accounts and reportPlease follow the link to be taken to the latest Trust annual audited accounts and report.
Memorandum and Articles of AssociationA copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association for Nova Education Trust can be accessed on the Nova Education Trust website. Please follow the related link.
Funding AgreementA copy of the Funding Agreement for Nova Education Trust can be accessed on the Nova Education Trust website. Please follow the related link.
Main School Risk AssessmentFor further information on specific risk assessments please contact the school.
Terms and conditions of website useThe use of this website is subject to the Terms and Conditions outlined below. By accessing and browsing this website the user automatically accepts these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change and amend these Terms and Conditions without notification.

The content of this school website is provided as an information service to users only. The content is relevant to the individual school and does not necessarily relate to other schools within the Trust.

The school has endeavoured to provide correct and relevant information but there may be factual inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or technical errors. If a user identifies any factual inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or technical errors please feel free to contact the school in the first instance.

No liability for factual inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or technical errors on this site are accepted by the Trust or school within law. The Trust and school fully reserve the right to make changes, amendments and corrections at any time, without notice.

Any material (text, images, graphics, UIs, system processes) contained within this website may not be downloaded, reproduced or replicated in any way without the express permission of the Nova Education Trust.

The school and Trust does not take responsibility for the content of hyper-links provided on this website in good faith. The Trust and School does not endorse or validate the content, views or opinions (implicit or explicit) stated in sites hyper-linked, mentioned or referenced on this website. If a user has any concerns regarding the content of sites hyper-linked, mentioned or referenced on this website please contact the school in the first instance.

This website, its content and associated Trust and school branding is copyright of the Nova Education Trust 2017.
Cookie policyThis website does not create, use or store cookies.

Measuring website usage (Google Analytics)

We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use our school website. Google Analytics stores information about:

• how you got to the site
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We don’t collect or store your personal information (eg your name or address) so this information can’t be used to identify who you are.

Privacy and keeping your data secure

We also hold and store personal information if a website user submits information on any of our contact, enquiry or application forms. The content submitted on the form is stored on our servers and we won’t share your information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, and we don’t pass on your details to other websites.

Disclosing your information

We may pass on your information to the appropriate authorities if we have a legal obligation to do so, or if we have to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements.

Further information

If you have any further questions about our Cookie, Web Analysis or Privacy processes please contact your school office in the first instance.
Trading disclosuresNova Education Trust
Company Number 07635510

A PRI/LBG/NSC/(Exempt) incorporated on 16 May 2011.

Registered office address is Nova Education Trust Office (C19), The Sir Colin Campbell Building, The University Of Nottingham, Triumph Road, Nottingham, England, NG7 2TU. Telephone: 0115 807 7777.

February 2025


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