
Exams & Data Officer - Mrs Paula Eaves

Summer 2024 Results

A Level Results Day - Thursday 15th August 2024

GCSE Results Day - Thursday 22nd August 2024

Results Permission Form - nomination or personal email address

Access to Scripts Form

Review of Marking Form

Post Results Services

JCQ Post Results Services - Summer 2024

AQA Post Results Services - Summary Guide - Summer 2024

OCR Post Results Services Services and Fees: June 2024 Series

Summer 2025 Exam Timetables (Exam Boards)

A Level


Pearson Edexcel

BTEC Nationals





Pearson Edexcel


Summer 2023 Exam Certificates

Certificates have now been received in college.

Students have been emailed the details about collection.

If you need to nominate a representative to collect certificates on your behalf then please complete the permission form which can be found here.

If you would like your certificates posting then please fill in the certificate posting form, which includes the instructions for payment. The form can be found here.

Please contact exams.data@mv16.org.uk if you have any queries.

Summer 2013 -2022 Exam Certificates

Any ex-students who have left college since 2013 and have not yet collected their certificates should telephone 01664 504750 or e-mail exams.data@mv16.org.uk to arrange a suitable time for collection.

A signature is required before certificates can be released, if you cannot attend in person please provide written permission for someone to collect on your behalf, by completing this form and ensure that they bring some photo ID with them.

If you would like your certificates posting then please fill in the certificate posting form, which includes the instructions for payment. The form can be found here.

Once collected these should be kept in a safe place as they are irreplaceable and exam boards do charge for additional proof of achievement.


Exam portfolios and practical items cannot be released until after 30th November in the year the final exam was taken. Students wanting to collect these should telephone the main reception 01664 504750 or e-mail contactus@mv16.org.uk to arrange a time for collection.

JCQ - 'Information for Candidates' Documentation

1 JCQ - Information for Candidates - Written Examinations 2023 - 2024

2 JCQ - Information for Candidates - Coursework Assessments 2023 - 2024

3 JCQ - Information for Candidates - Non-Examination Assessments 2023 - 2024

4 JCQ - Information for Candidates - On-Screen Examinations 2023 - 2024

5 JCQ - Information for Candidates - Privacy Notice

6 JCQ - Preparing to sit your exams - On Your Exam Day - 2023 - 2024

7 JCQ - Social Media Infographic 2023 - 2024

8 JCQ - Artificial Intelligence poster for students

Instructions for Candidates Video 2023 / 2024

(Many thanks to 'The Exams Office' who give permission for member centres to use this video in assemblies/special briefings for candidates, and to add this to their centre website.)

Helpful documents/links


Non-Examination Assessment (NEA) & Plagiarism Policy 2023 - 2024

Internal Appeals Procedure - Internal Assessment Decisions 2023 - 2024

Internal Appeals Procedure - Post Result Services and Appeals 2023 - 2024

Internal Appeals Procedure - Access arrangements, special consideration & other administrative issues 2023 -2024

Internal Appeals Form

July 2024


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