Please find below a list of some of the most frequently asked questions we would normally expect to be asked on a face to face open evening – hopefully you may find some answers here!
How do I know if MV16 is the right place for me?
The entry requirements are GCSEs in English and Maths at minimum grade 4 together with three other subjects at grade 5 or above. Please talk to staff about whether the course is suitable for you. The majority of courses offered are A-Levels with an extensive choice of subjects both facilitating and non-facilitating.
How many subjects do I have to take?
All students have to choose three A-Levels to study at MV16. In order to progress into Year 13, students must demonstrate they are working at target grade level and show a good attitude to learning. Additional opportunities such as the Extended Project Qualification are available for students to undertake.
How do I apply? When will I know if I have a place?
You can apply online on our website anytime between now and the end of January 2020. Within two weeks of receiving your application you will either receive a conditional offer of a place to study stating the GCSE grades/levels you need to achieve for your chosen courses or alternatively you may be called for an interview with a member of the leadership team if we feel the need to discuss your subject choices in more detail.
Are there any rules about dress?
We expect all students to be dressed in appropriate attire, in a modest sensible fashion.
Who will be my first point of contact at MV16?
You will be part of a Year 12 tutor group. Your personal tutor will be your first point of contact and will support you with information, advice and guidance throughout your time at MV16.
How much homework will I get?
This will vary from subject to subject. In addition to homework there is an expectation that you will complete additional reading and research around your subjects. Guidance will be given to you by your subject teachers. Remember, A-Level stands for ‘advanced level’ – your workload will increase significantly! You should be spending at least as many hours on each subject outside of the classroom as in lessons.
What extra-curricular activities does MV16 provide?
There are wide ranging opportunities including trips to Paris, Strasbourg and Sorrento, Teenage Health Fair, Volunteering, Creative Writing Club, Rotary Interact, Subject Specific Visiting Speakers, D of E, Charity Events, Student Union, Open Mic, Theatre Visits, London Museum Visits, Sports Fixtures, Houses of Parliament visit and National Citizenship Service.
How will I get advice about options post-18?
The college is renowned for its expert information and guidance whether it be going to university, securing a higher degree/apprenticeship or employment. We have specialist staff who will guide you through various processes.
What provision is there for Most Able students?
In addition to academia, we run a number of visits across the year which expose our Most Able students to the opportunities available to them. Students are encouraged to take part in subject specific extra-curricular activities and opportunities which will enhance their applications to university and beyond.
What provision is there for students with special educational needs?
Specialist staff are available to support students with special educational needs and appointments can be made with staff to discuss individual needs.
Are there bursaries available?
A National Bursary Scheme is currently in operation which allows parents who receive particular benefits to apply for help towards transport, equipment costs, trips etc. For further details and application form please see our website under Student Parent Information.